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in the news today 10th March 2022


Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Former Radio 1 DJ Mark Page jailed for 12 years for arranging sex with children in Philippines

Mark Page was jailed today after being found guilty of child sex offences

Two of the charges related to contact he had via a webcam from his home, while two happened during his frequent trips to the Philippines.

An ex-Radio One DJ who arranged to have sex with vulnerable children in the Philippines has been jailed for 12 years.

Mark Page, who worked at the station in the 1980s, was guilty of "grotesque sexual abuse" of children as young as 12, and took advantage of their poverty, the sentencing judge said.

The 63-year-old divorced father-of-three from Stockton, Teesside, was convicted on Wednesday of four counts of arranging the commission of a child sex offence, between 2016 and 2019.

One of his victims, a waitress then aged 13 with no father and who was the eldest of six children, has been traced and now lives in a place of safety, Teesside Crown Court heard. Page had denied all offences throughout his trial but failed to convince a jury his various devices had been hacked. Judge Paul Watson QC jailed him for 12 years and imposed a life-long Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

The judge said: "The offences of which you have been convicted involve the grotesque sexual abuse of young children for your own sexual gratification.

"You took advantage of the poverty and deprivation in an under-developed country in which children are routinely forced, through economic and social deprivation, into acts of prostitution.
"Your sole purpose was to engage children, as young as 12, in vile sexual activity to satisfy your perverted appetites
. "It did not matter to you that you were robbing them of the innocence of their childhoods, it did not matter to you what long-term trauma and emotional damage you were leading them to.
"You obviously delighted in their humiliation and the satisfaction of your own corrupt sexual desires.
"This was, in my view, the very embodiment of depravity."

Jo Kidd, prosecuting, said it was recently estimated that 60,000 children in the Philippines had been forced into prostitution and the situation had been made worse by "crippling poverty" caused by lockdown.

The disgraced DJ, well known on Teesside as the match announcer at Middlesbrough FC games for 20 years until his arrest, had a lengthy career in broadcasting and set up a successful radio station for the British Army.

He used frequent business trips to the Philippines, as well as charity work, as a cover for his perverted interests.

Facebook alerted a charity following concerns raised about messaging on its platform. The charity informed UK law enforcement and Cleveland Police carried out a search warrant at his home in January 2020.

Analysts studied a tablet, mobile phone and computer tower and checked his Skype activity, texts, bank account and money transfers before charging him. Judge Watson praised Cleveland Police's dedicated detectives and digital experts who brought Page to justice.

Detective Sergeant Kevin Carter from the Paedophile Online Investigation Team welcomed the sentence and said it may act as a deterrent for others.

He added: “Indeed I believe this sentence means the children of the Philippines will be that bit safer.

"Not just because Page is starting a prison sentence, but because others intent on causing children harm in this part of the world may now think twice, in the knowledge that Cleveland Police and other UK Forces will continue to work closely with social media networks and our partners in the National Crime Agency around the world to eradicate the sexual exploitation of children.

“Page attempted to distract the court from the awful truth of his actions. He refused to accept responsibility, attempting instead to lay blame on everyone but himself.

“I would like to thank the jury for their professionalism while considering a large amount of complex digital evidence.

“The court heard how Page attempted to present himself as a respectable and credible individual, yet his actions betrayed the trust and confidence of many people, not least his family and close friends.”

Coventry triple-killer Anthony Russell found guilty of rape

Triple-killer Anthony Russell has been found guilty of raping Nicole McGregor - his third and final murder victim - by a jury at Warwick Crown Court.

The 39-year-old raped Miss McGregor at Newbold Comyn, Leamington, before strangling her to death.

Russell, of Riley Square, Coventry, lured Miss McGregor, who had shown him a scan of her baby, to Newbold Comyn with the promise of drugs on October 26 2020, the jury heard.

Russell had pleaded guilty to her murder on October 29, 2020, but denied a charge of rape.

However, a jury at Warwick Crown Court this afternoon returned a guilty verdict.

The jury was also earlier told Russell pleaded guilty to the murders of Julie Williams and her son David Williams at separate flats in Coventry - a few days before he killed Miss McGregor.

David, 32, was killed on October 21, 2020, and 58-year-old Julie was found dead four days later.

The trial has been taking place at Warwick Crown Court this week.

Anthony Russell, who has admitted murdering three people, has been found guilty of rape

After around three days of evidence from a number of witnesses, including Christoper White - Nicole McGregor's then boyfriend - members of the jury returned a guilty verdict in just over an hour.

The jury were satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt that Russell forced himself on Miss McGregor, who was five months pregnant at the time, and raped her in "one course of conduct", according to Zoe Johnson QC, prosecuting. Zoe Johnson QC, prosecuting, said Russell's motivation for killing Nicole McGregor was clear in this case.

In her summing up of the prosecution's case, Ms Johnson had said Russell was driven by an all-consuming bid "to stop her from complaining of rape."

"The defendant was a man on the run, wanted by police," Ms Johnson said, before adding:

"The pattern of behaviour is an important consideration for you."

She adds: "Every other violent crime committed by the defendant was for a reason, that reason was to achieve his own ends. We suggest this incident was no different."

'His crimes were deliberate and calculated', Warwick Crown Court hears

Ms Johnson continued: "His crimes were deliberate and calculated. We suggest this was no different. "The compelling circumstantial evidence in this case will draw you to the view she was raped."

Meanwhile, Robert Cowley, defending said: "That there was no bruising to her inner thighs does not suggest she was not raped."

"Nevertheless, it's important evidence to put into the balance when you're considering whether the intercourse was consensual or an act of rape.

"There was no evidence of restraint. Again, I do not say that proves she was not raped. "It's possible someone could be restrained through their clothing or through such fear

.But, again, it's important evidence and, again, we invite you to put that into the balance.

"The only sufficient and proper verdict is one of not guilty."

However, the jury very quickly dismissed that version of events to find the defendant guilty after less than 90 minutes of deliberation.

Miss McGregor's body was found by police search teams in an area of dense undergrowth near to the River Leam on October 29, 2020.

The 31-year-old's body was covered in scratches and bruises having been dragged through the woodland by Russell.

Teenage nephew, 16, of ex-England footballer Shaun Wright-Phillips was stabbed to death in street after high-speed car chase through Manchester in his stolen BMW,

Rhamero West, 16, had died in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, in September

Shaun Wright-Phillips's nephew was pursued by cars before dying, a trial heard

Nineteen-year-old Ryan Cashin, who is accused of the fatal blow, denies murder

Giovanni Lawrence, Xavaiour Wynter, and a 17-year-old also accused of murder

The 16-year-old nephew of ex England footballer Shaun Wright-Phillips was stabbed to death after a high speed car chase in stolen BMWs, a court heard.

Rhamero West was attacked and stabbed several times after he fled on foot when he crashed into a tree following pursuit through rush hour traffic in Manchester, jurors were told.

Manchester Crown Court heard that he banged on the door of a house as he tried to escape gang of attackers in Old Trafford on September 9 last year.

Prosecutors said one of those chasing him shouted 'got you' before knifing him to death on Norton Street.

Ryan Cashin, 19, who is accused of the fatal blow, denies murder. Giovanni Lawrence, 20; Xavaiour Wynter, 18; and a 17-year-old boy who can't be named for legal reasons are also accused of murder under the joint enterprise law. They have all pleaded not guilty.

Guy Gozem QC, prosecuting, told the court: 'Whatever grudge or issue lay behind what happened, we say that their relentless pursuit of Rhamero West and their absolute determination to catch him is obvious.

Rhamero West, 16, (pictured) desperately banged on the door of a house as he tried to flee from his attackers, Manchester Crown Court heard yesterday

The teenager died in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, on September 9 last year after being found with horrific injuries and a number of stab wounds

'From the lengths that they were prepared to go to throughout this very public chase, sometimes inside cars, sometimes outside cars, openly, brazenly carrying weapons.

'The prosecution say that this was a joint enterprise, from beginning to end.

'In other words, they all knew what they were doing.'

The trial heard that the chase, which lasted about 10 minutes, began following a 'confrontation' on Princess Parkway, at around 5:45pm.

Rhamero, known to pals as Mero, was driving a stolen BMW 3 series, with friends also being in the car.

Witnesses said they saw the car being attacked by a man with a 'large knife' as it stopped at a red light.

Prosecutors allege the 17-year-old defendant approached Rhamero's car before appearing to be 'lunging and banging' on it several times.

It was also claimed that the teenager's attackers shouted something like 'arr, got you!' before stabbing him

It was also claimed that the teenager's attackers shouted something like 'arr, got you!' before stabbing him

During busy rush hour traffic, some drivers heard 'banging' noises and some thought it was gunfire, the court heard.

Rhamero then drove away, forcing his way through traffic and was followed by two further BMWs, which were also stolen, the jury heard.

In his 'desperation' to get away, Rhamero's BMW was being driven 'erratically' and 'too fast', jurors were told.

It went on the wrong side of the road, hit a car on Upper Chorlton Road, and then crashed into a tree, the court heard.

The BMW was now 'useless as a means of escape', and Rhamero and his friends in the car began to 'run for their lives', the prosecutor said.

The trial heard Rhamero crashed a stolen BMW 3 series into a tree and collided with another car as he tried to escape his pursuers through busy rush hour traffic

The trial heard Rhamero crashed a stolen BMW 3 series into a tree and collided with another car as he tried to escape his pursuers through busy rush hour traffic

Mr Gozem said: 'They had obviously seen the large knife that had been carried by the 17-year-old defendant, and what he was trying to do with it during the confrontation on Princess Parkway.

'You may think they were running in fear for their lives.'

The two BMWs in pursuit stopped at the scene of the crash.

Prosecutors said the 17-year-old defendant, said to be holding a knife, and Mr Cashin started chasing Rhamero down Darnley Street.

The two defendants' BMWs also followed, the jury heard.

Mr Gozem said: 'As Cashin ran along Norton Street, he caught up to the 17-year-old defendant, and we say the knife was passed by the 17-year-old defendant to him.

'He then took over the lead in pursuit of Rhamero's group with the knife in his hand.'

Shortly after, at about 6pm, Mr Cashin is alleged to have stabbed Rhamero on Norton Street.

A neighbour said she saw a male being chased bang on the door of a house to try and get in, but received no answer.

He then jumped over the wall to another house as he tried to get away.

Mr Gozem said: 'But he didn't manage to escape.

The pursuing male caught up and shouted something like 'arr got you!', the jury was told.

She shouted out of her window to try to distract the attacker.

Mr Gozem said: 'She saw him plunge the knife down four or five times, despite the fact she was screaming at him to stop.'

He was attacked by a man with a 'large knife' as it stopped at a red light, witnesses said


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He was attacked by a man with a 'large knife' as it stopped at a red light, witnesses said

A man in a BMW also shouted at the knifeman, telling him to 'come on' and 'get in the car' before the two cars left, according to the witness.

Mr Gozem said: 'Both BMWs sped off in the direction of Darnley Street, leaving Rhamero West to die.'

Rhamero was able to stand up and start walking, as blood pumped from his leg, but he was unsteady on his feet.

Neighbours came out to help him and tried to stem the bleeding.

He was rushed to hospital but died shortly after 7:30pm that day.

Prosecutors allege that the defendants planned to 'dump' one of the stolen BMWs, before they all got in a taxi which stopped in nearby Hulme at around 7:45pm.

They also allege that the four defendants had been in the two stolen BMWs prior to Rhamero's death.

Mr Cashin, of Hulme; Mr Lawrence, of Moston; Mr Wynter, of no fixed address; and a 17-year-old boy who can't be named for legal reasons, all deny murder.

The trial continues.

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